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Basic File and Folder Permissions in Linux | Linux handles file and folder permissions differently than operating systems like Microsoft Windows. Unlike file and folder permissions in the Windows world, Linux does not have what Microsoft Windows refers to as “effective” permissions on files and folders. True, one can change basic permissions on file objects in Linux using Access Control Lists (ACLs) or more appropriately File Access Control Lists (FACLs), but the point of this article is to introduce the new Linux user to the basic file and folder permissions that Linux uses when these objects are created in the system. |
Bash Directory Stack | What is a stack and why is it important in Linux or Computer Science, for that matter? A stack, in the context of this article, refers to a last-in-first-out (LIFO) list or more affectionately referred to as a pushdown store. This is in contrast to another arrangement called first-in-first-out (FIFO) used in granaries since the grain is loaded at the top of the tower and dispensed at the bottom into trucks or other vehicles for delivery to its destination. |
Designating Hot Spares in Your ZFS Storage Pool | There is a feature built into ZFS called the “hotspares” feature which allows a sysadmin to identify those drives available as spares which can be swapped out in the event of a drive failure in a storage pool. If an appropriate flag is set in the feature, the “hot spare” drive can even be swapped automatically to replace the failed drive. Or, alternatively, a spare drive can be swapped manually if the sysadmin detects a failing drive that is reported as irreparable. Hot spares can be designated in the ZFS storage pool in two separate ways: |
Allowing SSH Into Two Separate Ports, One For LAN and One For WAN | Is it possible to configure a server such that one can ssh into that server internally on a LAN while being able to ssh into the network interface that communicates on the WAN out to the Internet? How do we handle this? Do we just open port 22 for ssh for both LAN and WAN and call it a day? Is this going to pose a security risk by allowing port 22 traffic from the WAN internally to our LAN? Can we even do this? The answer to this question is, YES! How can we take care of this without posing an unnecessary risk on our server? The answer to this second question is simple. |
Backgrounding & Foregrounding a Process in Linux | In this article, I want to explain the importance of being able to foreground and background a process running in Linux. If you’ve never used this technique or have never heard of it, then you will be happy to learn that it exists on all Linux distros and making use of it can really enhance your productivity and workflow. |
CEPH Data Storage Technology | CEPH is an open-source, distributed storage system designed for scalability, performance, and reliability. It was developed to manage and store large volumes of data efficiently, making it useful for a wide range of applications and organizations. Its versatility, cost-effectiveness, and strong community support make it a valuable choice for organizations dealing with large volumes of data across diverse use cases. Let’s take a look at an overview of CEPH data storage technology and discover why it’s useful. |
Linux From Scratch Presentation by Pat Barnes | We were pleased to present a member of the WNCLUG-Asheville, Pat Barnes, who gave a presentation remotely on Linux From Scratch (LFS) based on the LFS Manual 12.0 by Gerard Beekmans. |
Aliases to Speed and Accuracy | Linux bash aliases are like personal shorthand we can use in a Linux terminal. Aliases let us create abbreviations of a few characters to represent an entire Linux command, or even several of them. Think of bash aliases as command line macros for Linux. | |
Creating a Swap File Versus Swap Partition in Linux | When setting up a Linux distro using an installer in your favorite hypervisor of choice, you'll need to decide whether you wish to use a swap partition or a swap file for managing swap. Most installers will give you the option to use a swap partition. In my particular instance, I installed Debian 12 Bookworm, 64-bit using the AMD netinst (net installer). At some point in the installation setup process using the netinst ISO, I indicated that I wanted to have a separate partition for my $HOME directory, but did not specify a swap partition. |
Google Font Equivalents | This reference lists common Microsoft fonts and their Google Open Source equivalents, along with two additional must-have fonts. Unless you’re a media developer, Google can be a one-stop shop for fonts. We currently have nothing but Google fonts active on our MX Linux 21.3 desktop. |
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