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Invoking "Night Mode" (Night Shift) For Your PC's Monitor | The process of adjusting monitor brightness and gamma—especially to reduce blue light and add warmth to the screen—is commonly referred to as screen temperature adjustment or blue light filtering. The specific technique of reducing brightness and gamma while increasing the color temperature to reduce blue light is often called night mode or night light. These terms reflect the approach of lowering blue light and adjusting brightness to ease eye strain and support healthier sleep patterns, particularly in low-light environments or during evening hours. |
The Unix Operating System | Introduction to Unix
Community Enterprise OS Linux System Setup and Product Review | About three years ago I used Virt Manager installed in Feren Linux to create a Virtual Machine of CentOS 8 Linux based on RHEL 8 from Red Hat and then conducted a system setup and product review of this distro on my YouTube Channel called the Linux/Unix/Tech channel. |
Adding a Date/Timestamp to the History in Linux | While you’re in the Terminal issuing commands, there is a file being updated in the background that you may not have been aware of. This file is called the Bash History file. This assumes, of course, that you’re running the Bash shell. It’s located in a hidden file underneath the $HOME directory of the current logged in user; that is to say, it’s located at ~/.bash_history. This file is generally referred to simply as the History file. When you issue commands in the Terminal in Linux, these commands are recorded in this file. | |
How You Can Master Your Email Using Evolution | If you’re like me, you can easily become overwhelmed with the sheer volume of email that comes into your favorite email client every day. Your Inbox can become bloated with messages from mailing lists you’ve signed up for, from companies and healthcare agencies that you work with, and so on. |
Basic Centos 8 Firewall Configuration | The firewall is a vital component of any Linux distribution. This is even more important when running a server versus a desktop distro. Firewalls are necessary since they protect a computer system or a network of computers from an external attack especially in a server environment where the server is connected to the Internet in an always-on Internet connection. |
Benchmarking a Storage Device in Linux | There are a couple of CLI tools that can be used to benchmark an HDD (external or internal). These are dd and hdparm. However, for Debian Linux, there’s a great GUI application that performs Disk Read speed benchmarking and both Disk Read & Write speed benchmarking if the drive being tested is unmounted. The dd command is used to monitor the writing performance of a disk device on a Linux and Unix-like system. An example for testing an internal SSD would be: $ sudo dd bs=1M count=256 if=/dev/zero of=test This test can result in output that looks like the following: |
Converting Ubuntu 20.04 LTS to Vanilla Gnome3 DE | By default, Ubuntu 20.04 LTS is developed with a highly customized Gnome3 desktop which looks very much like the original Unity desktop. Many people, including myself, do not like the look and feel of this desktop even though it is based on the Gnome3 desktop environment. I am assuming that you are familiar with both Linux, the Linux Terminal, and have used Ubuntu Linux in the past. If you don’t meet these prerequisites, then you may find some of the steps in this conversion process to be a little confusing. |
Creating Docker-Compose Applications | Docker and Docker-Compose concepts are two means in Linux by which a developer can easily generate a running container application from a docker image that is pulled down from a repository at GitHub, LinuxServer.io, or DockerHub, then access that running application in a Web browser at a particular port that is assigned to or configured for the application itself. This assignment is performed within a file called the docker-compose.yml file for docker-compose applications. The docker-compose.yml is short for docker-compose YAML file. |
Docker Containerization in Linux | The concept of docker containerization in Linux is very similar to the concept of virtualization. Using virtualization in Linux is accomplished through the use of a hypervisor, such as VMWare, Virtual Box, or Virtual Machine Manager. Virtualization allows one to run small Virtual Machines (VMs) on one server platform and they each exhibit the functionality and performance of physical servers, yet are virtual. Containers are not actual servers; that is to say, not in the same way one would typically think of servers. |
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